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ustwo's mills on why every developer should get PositionApp while it's free

Track your work across the world's charts
ustwo's mills on why every developer should get PositionApp while it's free

It’s been downloaded 36,091 times during its launch week, so it seems as if ustwo’s neat app discovery and chart tracking application PositionApp - which is currently free - is finding an enthusiastic audience.

Certainly I'm finding it useful in terms of seeing what games are hot.

Created specifically for app developers to get a handle on how their work is being received around the world, we caught up with ustwo's creative director mills to find out a little more about its background, as well as planned future features.

Pocket Gamer: How do you expect to make money with PositionApp?

mills: We worked with AdMob to make PositionApp available for download from the App Store free for a limited time to give developers the opportunity to gain a valuable and in-depth insight into the performance of their own applications. After this introductory period, we will be making it a paid for app.

It was never our intention to develop PositionApp as an app to make us rich though. It was conceived simply because as developers we desperately wanted something like it, so we decided to make it.

We also wanted PositionApp to be ustwo's loss leader, where in our world, no one loses out. As far as we're concerned, as long as we’re covering our server costs and it successfully allows us to get the ustwo brand out there as a user interface studio which cares about the community it works in, we're 100 percent happy.

The perception of the ustwo brand and how it sits within the community means much more to us than making a quick buck or two. And I like to think this is one of the reasons we are successful.

It's because we're lucky enough to be a wholly privately owned company - where we make it our business to proportion our profits directly back into R&D - that we're in a position to be able to develop and release quality apps like MouthOff, the 48Hour . series and PositionApp.

Will there any way of getting the historic peak position of an app?

This feature isn’t available from within the application itself, but it's definitely on a long list of future updates. It's all about watching this space.

We see the current release of PositionApp as the start of a long and continued enhancement journey. PositionApp has taken several months to get to where it is now, and we're all keen to keep adding to it to make it the app developers can't live without: a prerequisite to successful app development.

Do you think it will be worth adding support for Top Grossing charts?

It certainly would and again we're hoping to add the Top Grossing list further down the line. We have many new features we're looking to implement over the next eight weeks. The idea is to update gradually, giving a little more each time.

By the time it becomes a paid for app we also want to be in a position where we have a lot more consumer facing app features, which is something we see as vital to PositionApp's life cycle.

We're hopping that every developer throughout the world will have downloaded PositionApp while it's free. That was our aim from the start.

Do you expect it to become a discovery tool for the general public or do you think it's more of a professionals' tool?

We're expecting it will prove to be useful for both the general public and the professional alike. Our initial reason for creating PositionApp was we needed a tool like it ourselves but while developing it, we realised the benefits it could also offer as a great app discovery tool for anyone interested in apps.

The dashboards within the app were created to highlight biggest climbers in the charts, and more importantly to show all (including the consumer) the apps that were making the biggest waves outside the top 100.

We're currently working on a number of new dashboards to accompany future updates. The focus here is on capturing the interest of the consumer and making it as useful for them as it is for the developers.

And what about generating graphs from the data?

You must be reading my mind with these questions. It will come as no surprise that this functionality is already being considered for future updates. Graphs are one of the most requested features and something we really want to squeeze into PositionApp.

But to start with we have focused on getting the core features implemented and we're now at a stage where comparable graphs are what we’re working on. The ability to compare two rival applications and simply visualise any differences is definitely invaluable. PR and marketing success can also be gauged through updates such as this - something we are very interested.

On top of the addition of graphs, we will be adding twitter and Facebook support as well as ongoing feature updates.

Finally, will there be a web interface so people can do data mining on the information?

A web version is certainly an option and something we want to do, but we still need to decide on a format that makes sense for the user and us.

In the meantime our focus is definitely more geared towards the mobile client in order to add that extra zest to PositionApp.

Thanks to mills for his time.

You can get PositionApp free now [App Store link].