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Asus excited about Microsoft's determination to make Windows Phone 7 a success

Sees a new strong determination
Asus excited about Microsoft's determination to make Windows Phone 7 a success

He was hardly likely to criticise it, but Asus CEO Jerry Shen's warm response when questioned about the prospect of Windows Phone 7 seems to signify the renewed faith mobile manufacturers have in Microsoft.

Speaking during an interview with Engadget, Shen said Asus is not only pleased with what it's seen of Windows Phone 7 OS so far, but it also believes it represents a determination by Microsoft to make its mark in the mobile market.

"Windows Mobile 6.5.3 improved a lot, but we are excited that Microsoft has really improved more with a breakthrough with Windows Phone 7," he said during a recorded interview with the site.

"We think this is the first time Microsoft has had a really strong determination to win back the mobile phone."

Loving the Redmond

Of course, Asus already has strong ties with Microsoft, the firm's handsets were the phones chosen to showcase the OS during Windows Phone 7's unveiling at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.

Indeed, speculation points to the two working together on an official, Microsoft-branded, Windows Phone 7 handset in the Nexus One mould.

However, chatter suggests the phone has been delayed until 2011. Northeast Securities analyst Ashok Kumar reportedly commented that the joint project was "still alive", but will now launch early next year.

[source: Engadget]