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MGF 2010: 'Android Market is like walking into a half-built shopping mall' says Namco exec

Attitude to Google bullish but more work required
MGF 2010: 'Android Market is like walking into a half-built shopping mall' says Namco exec

In the second panel talk of Mobile Games Forum - about making games accessible and improving content discovery - there was an interesting exchange concerning Google's emerging Android platform.

"Google is most interesting platform in terms of the uptake of handsets but the Android Market is like walking into a half-built shopping mall," said Barry O'Neill, president, Namco Bandai Networks Europe.

"But if Google can fix the market, it will pose a challenge for Apple."

"It will take a while for Google to catch up because it doesn't control the ecosystem. But I'm very bullish on the platform. There will be volume on the platform by the end of the year so developers should be preparing for Android," added Craig Dalton, veep of business development at mobile app discovery company Mplayit.

Equally, there are already plenty of mobile games companies spending resources supporting Android. EA Mobile has already released Android titles, as have Korean publishers such as Com2uS and Gamevil.

Social iPhone publisher SGN has recently announced it's working on cross-platform Android and iPhone titles in 2010.