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French publisher Bulkypix giving massive support to iPad

Three games announced, more to follow
French publisher Bulkypix giving massive support to iPad

We're within two weeks of iPad's launch, and we're been overwhelmed with the number of developers and publishers who are going to be supporting it. As far as I can work out, everyone is.

One of the more significant companies throwing its weight behind iPad is French publisher Bulkypix, which has three games announced, with more to come.

"We're going to massively support the iPad," says COO Vincent Dondaine.

"We've got the enhanced and massively updated version of Twin Blades, our new puzzle game Saving Private Sheep, as well as the three episodes of Last King of Africa. There's a lot more to come but it's too early to announce them."

More generally, the publisher is ramping up its Apple operations, with 30 titles planned for release in 2010.

It will also soon be opening a San Francisco office to better interact with the US market.