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iPad app release rush triggers Apple recruitment boom

Editors at the ready
iPad app release rush triggers Apple recruitment boom

With the deadline for submitting launch apps for iPad just two days away, it would appear the rush of developers eager to get their games on the App Store for day one has caused Apple to go on a job hunt.

TechCrunch reports that its CrunchBoard job board has been overrun with ads placed for editorial postions at Apple, the site claiming the widget has been "completely taken over" with positions "all centred around the App Store".

The jobs seem to converge on applicants who have a knack for spotting the good apps from the bad.

The editorial programmer position, for instance, is aimed at someone who can be "responsible for the discovery, selection, and promotion of apps".

More interesting, however, is the speculation that Apple may be considering launching the App Store on other devices.

Another job on the site focuses on the "promotion of apps on the desktop as well device App Stores", causing TechCrunch to suggest the App Store could be Mac bound.

[source: TechCrunch]