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Foursquare on Windows Phone 7 adds society hot spots

Location-based app steps up a gear
Foursquare on Windows Phone 7 adds society hot spots

Given Foursquare already has a presence on every other major smartphone OS, it's no surprise it's already a long way into developing a Windows Phone 7 app.

The app, which was demoed at MIX10 earlier this month, has caught people's attention because of its new Society function.

What's hot

At the touch of a button, Foursquare on Windows Phone 7 will be able to pick out each and every check-in in the surrounding area within the past few minutes, creating a 'hot spot' map to illustrate just where is the place to be at that particular moment.

Though unlikely to change users own check-in habits day to day, it is a useful function to have at hand during big events scaled over wide areas.

At such functions, Foursquare will now be able to show you where the majority of people are at any time.

Staying in touch

The Windows Phone 7 app will also show where nearby friends on a map, helping you 'bump into' people accidentally on purpose with startling accuracy.

Both functions are evidence of Foursquare's desire to expand its usability. By offering as much functionality as possible on each and every OS, its creators will be hoping it can turn itself into a habit every smartphone consumer submits to.

[source: Artificial Ignorance]