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European developed Android apps priced 49% higher than US ones

Distimo's claims BlackBerry App World most expensive
European developed Android apps priced 49% higher than US ones

The release of analytics specialist Distimo's December report has highlighted the stark differences in app prices on the Android Market depending where they have been developed

The report says the average price of an Android app published by a European studio is $4.42 49 percent higher than apps from US based publishers, which come in at $2.96.

UK-developed apps, which account for 12 percent of the Android market, average out at $3.31.

American outfits account for a whopping 65 percent of all apps on the store. Apps from European studios (France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands and Austria) come in second on 20 percent, with Japanese developers a way behind on just 2 percent.

But Distimo's report doesn't solely focus on Android.

Statistics have also been drawn from Apple's App Store, Blackberry's App World, Nokia's Ovi Store and Microsoft's Windows Marketplace for Mobile.

The collation of data from all five markets reveals that location isn't the only factor behind variants in price, the nature of the apps also plays a role.

So the enterprise tendency of apps on offer on Windows Marketplace and Blackberry's App World results in a higher average app price when compared to rival stores, Windows Marketplace apps averaging $6.99, and App World an even grander $8.26.

Overall, Distimo's December findings add another angle to the price war debate, the firm having reported back in November that iPhone has the cheapest average game price.

A copy of the full December report can be downloaded for free from Distimo's website.