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Virtual worlds and social games focused Immersion Forum announced

Event to look at future of games and social media
Virtual worlds and social games focused Immersion Forum announced

Coming with a fresh look and a new name, it's been confirmed that this year's Immersion Forum will take place in London on May 24th.

The event previously known as the ASG Forum has been rebranded for its fifth year.

Described as the leading international forum focused on the future of games and social media, the one day event Immersion 2010 is set to discuss the likes of virtual worlds, MMOs, social games, augmented reality and geospatial apps across a range of platforms including both iPhone and Facebook.

Key issues such as app monetisation, the race to 3D, supposed game-changer technologies and micro-transactions are set to be covered.

The earlybird fee is £129 for those who book before April 12th, the price rising to £299 thereafter. A full roster of lunch, refreshments and a conference pack is included within the fee.

Further details regarding the event can be found on its official website.