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Google claims Android Market hits 30,000 apps

Up from 16,000 back in December
Google claims Android Market hits 30,000 apps

Though it still pales in comparison to the 140,000 apps found on the App Store back in January, a Google representative has told MobileCrunch that there are approximately 30,000 apps now available for sale on Android Market.

This represents a growth of around 14,000 apps since Google last revealed the store's total back in December - that itself up from 10,000 three months previously.

Fun for free

The figure roughly tallies with independent app tracker, which currently pegs Android Market at just under 35,000 apps in total.

The website also claims the balance of power swings towards free apps, with paid apps making up less than 39 per cent of the store's total.

Google has always declined to give official figures regarding the split between paid and free apps, but AndroLib's statistics roughly match those previously reported by mobile analytics firm Distimo, which puts the paid apps figure at 43 per cent.

Android expansion

CEO Eric Schmidt claimed at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona that Google's partners were selling upwards of 60,000 Android handsets a day, helping to explain Android Market's recent growth.

However, Google still has some way to go to challenge Apple, the latest estimates from AppShopper putting the number of available apps on the App Store at just under 170,000.