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Motorola, Samsung and LG tying for top mobile spot in US

Verizon top operator

Following a trend set in almost every single US mobile market report by comScore, the three-way tie for the honour of top OEM in the States continues to intensify according to the firm's March statistics.

The latest numbers suggest both Motorola which has come top in all the research compiled by comScore's MobiLens venture and Samsung lead the way, each company claiming 21.9 percent of the market.

That represents a rise of 0.7 percent for Samsung since December, with Motorola's share dropping by 1.6 percent across the same period.

Life's good?

Snapping at both of their heals is LG, which has a 21.8 percent share of the market according to comScore's March data.

However, that represents both a fall of 0.1 percent when compared to December's numbers, and a rise by the same measure when compared to February, suggesting LG is largely holding on to its share in the long-term.

In total, 234 million Americans age 13 and older are mobile subscribers.

Oddly, comScore's latest data doesn't give any statistics on smartphone market a departure from the monthly reports that have come previously.

Past figures have shown RIM holding off Apple for top spot, with Google making steady ground with Android month by month.

Carrying the carriers

Instead, the March data casts light on the operator battle taking place across the US, which Verizon retaining its position at the top with a 31.1 percent share.

AT&T which can still call upon its exclusivity deal with Apple comfortably holds second place, its share rising by 0.2 percent to 25.2 percent of the total market.

You can view a summary of the findings on comScore's website.