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Verizon drops price of Palm handsets in US sales drive

Pre Plus price cut by $100
Verizon drops price of Palm handsets in US sales drive

US carrier Verizon has slashed the price of its range of Palm handsets and removed some fees in a bid to drive sales, reports Brighthand.

Stealing most headlines will be the $100 Verizon has shaved from the Pre Plus, the handset now retailing for just $50 after originally launching back at the start of the year at the $150 price point.

Verizon has also cut $80 from the Pixi Plus model, its RRP falling to $30.

As a final price-cutting measure, the carrier has dropped its previous fee for using the handsets as wi-fi hotspots, as well as offering buy-one-get-one-free deals if customer sign up to another service plan.

Fighting back

The move may well be a response to the dire performance of Palm handsets in the US since the Pre and Pixi made their respective debuts in 2009.

Rather candidly, in recent weeks Palm has suggested that much of the blame lies firmly at Verizon's door.

The firm believes Verizon didn't promote the Pre's launch to an adequate degree, although CEO Jon Rubenstein recently revealed that Palm had enjoyed a "very successful meeting with Verizon" where the carrier "acknowledged that their execution of our launch was below expectations and recommitted to working with us to improve sales".

[source: Brighthand]