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The Pocket Gamer iPhone Game Developer World Championship - cast your vote

This just in from the UK press: England victory assured
The Pocket Gamer iPhone Game Developer World Championship - cast your vote

In a couple of weeks, 32 football teams representing 32 countries will fly to South Africa to take part in the FIFA World Cup. Their goal: to establish which nation produces the men most capable of kicking a watermelon-sized ball into a large net.

In a move that in no way steals FIFA's idea, Pocket Gamer is about to hold its first iPhone Game Developers World Championship, in which teams from around the world compete for the title of Best iPhone Game Developer in the World and we discover once and for all just which is truly the beautiful game.

Suffice to say with an objective of this magnitude we really can't do it all alone: we need your help.

If you've made a game you think is unbeatable, or if there's a game you just happen to really love, this is your chance to earn it and the country that produced it recognition on a global scale. And quite possibly some kind of trophy.

The competition works like this:

  • You submit a nomination for your favourite game and the developer's country of origin. Nominations are welcome from both developers and fans.
  • We then whittle this down through a testing but ultimately predictable phase we're going to call 'qualifying' in order to choose the best games and developers from their respective countries and thus create a shortlist of 32.
  • Finally, over the course of approximately a month in June, commencing on June 11th (well there's not much else going on then is there) we pit the games against each other, first in randomly selected groups and then in a straight knockout competition, until a winner is decided. Winners will be decided on a combination of public vote and professional judging, so we guess you could call it a game of two halves, if you must

You'll be able to nominate your favourite developer and game in the form below for the rest of this week voting closes at midnight on Sunday 30th May, so let's err, kick off!

Good luck, and happy voting.






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N.B. Similarities to any real life events are purely coincidental. Specifically, the South Africa World Cup 2010. 

MESSAGE FROM OUR SPONSORS: The iPhone Game Developers World Championship 2010 is brought to you by Pocket Gamer in association with FlickKick Football > check it out!