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Apple hires IGN editor Casamassina as global editorial games manager

Strengthening games team
Apple hires IGN editor Casamassina as global editorial games manager

Demonstrating the growing importance of games to iDevices, Apple has hired longterm IGN editor Matt Casamassina as its global editorial games manager.

He's due to start in early May, and on his blog described his role as, "leading the charge for games on the App Store, so whether you browse through iTunes, iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad, the games content you see will be handpicked and organized by me and my team. I couldn't be happier."

Hopefully this means there will be a more structured worldwide approach to games that are highlighted by Apple in terms of being In the Spotlight, New and Noteworthy, and What's Hot.

It also underlines a wider osmosis of talent from the wider games industry to handheld devices.

Earlier in April, Google appointed Mark DeLoura, Sony America one-time manager of developer relations as its Developer Advocate.

[source: Mouth On Fire]