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Mobclix says we'll handle your low iAd fillrate

Latest SDK wraps around Apple's ad network
Mobclix says we'll handle your low iAd fillrate

If Apple's assertion it wouldn't tolerate blank spaces when ads fail to pop up on iAd seemed a touch aggressive, Mobclix's claim that it will take care of the low fillrate currently being experienced is comparatively soothing.

That's what Mobclix co-founder Krishna Subramanian states in an entry on the firm's blog, with the company updating its SDK to accommodate the onslaught of iAd.

The new ad exchange allows developers to sign up to both iAd and Mobclix's own set-up, with Mobclix then determining just which ads are served on the app in question according to the developer's preferences.

Filling in the blanks

As such, if there's no ad to serve on iAd, Mobclix kicks into action and drops in an ad from another network on its roster.

"The Mobclix SDK will act like a wrapper around iAd and will intelligently switch between the two based on the optimisation settings that you control," Subramamian says in the entry.

"The Mobclix SDK uses the native implementation of iAd, so you will receive the exact same ad banners and revenue that you get from calling iAd directly. [iAd] fill rates are expected to be low, so your app can utilise Mobclix’s other networks to fill the remainder of your ad requests."

Behind the scenes

Subramamian states Mobclix doesn't alter developer's native relationship with iAd and Mobclix itself doesn't take any revenue generated by Apple's ad network it merely acts in the background to ensure ads stream to apps 24/7.

"The Mobclix optimisation system will automatically rollover to additional ad networks in the event that iAd does not have an ad available," he continues.

"This will ensure that you take full advantage of iAd, while still making the most of the ad requests that iAd can't fill."

[source: Mobclix]