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Playdom picks up further $33 million, Disney funds social surge

Funding set to be officially announced
Playdom picks up further $33 million, Disney funds social surge

Following on from its injection of funds back in November, social giant Playdom is set to announce it has picked up a further $33 million in the same round, reports TechCrunch.

The site claims Disney's Steamboat Ventures was a major force behind the latest batch of funding, with Playdom having now secured a total of $76 million.

Snapping up the social market

It's expected the money will be used to fuel its standing within the social gaming market - strategic acquisitions no doubt possible.

November's injection was swiftly followed by the purchase of iPhone developer Trippert Labs and Facebook outfit Green Patch.

Playdom also announced a further expansion of sorts earlier this month by laying out plans to roll-out localised, European versions of some of its top releases.

The publisher is already a major player on both Facebook and MySpace - where it leads the pack in terms of number of intalls - and it has set its sights on moving in on other social networks such as Hi5, as well as iPhone.

It faces stiff competition, however, with FarmVille and Mafia Wars developer Zynga having recently secured $147 million for a push on smartphones itself.
