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After 33 updates, Pocket God breaks 3 million paid downloads barrier

Pygmies are standing tall
After 33 updates, Pocket God breaks 3 million paid downloads barrier

It's all go at Bolt Creative.

There's an iPad version of Pocket God in development, plus the digital version of the first comic book is out, and those cute plushes are being worked up in a Chinese factory too.

And still the original 99c game keeps selling. Released in January 2009, it's now up to three million downloads.

Only a handful of iPhone games - including Bejeweled, Angry Birds and Doodle Jump - have sold more.

Labour of love

Well, Pocket God does hold the record for the most updated game - 33 times to-date, with the latest content - A Pygmy A Day Keeps the Ape Away - having a King Kong theme.

"We can't thank the fans enough for all their support, enthusiasm, fan sites, YouTube videos, suggestions for content, and everything else," said Bolt Creative CEO's Dave Castelnuovo.

"Since day one we've embraced our community and we're ecstatic to see that feeling reciprocated. We'll continue to push Pocket God into new realms and keep giving the legions of PG fans out there more tools to become great deities. Deities great at offing the little islanders that is."