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Apple tweaks discovery of Lite apps with Try Before You Buy section

Free apps by another name
Apple tweaks discovery of Lite apps with Try Before You Buy section

The problem with Lite apps free, short demos of full scale releases is that users have to be searching for the title in question before they become visible.

As such, Apple has unveiled a new Try Before You Buy section of the App Store designed to pool together Lite apps in one, easily digestible location.

Trying it out

The new section isn't available in the UK yet, but essentially offers consumers a chance to sample Lite apps already on the App Store from one set point.

To that degree it's just another way of pointing people to the Free apps section while giving the impression you're getting something extra for nothing.


However, the new section hasn't received a universally warm welcome, with some having hoped Apple would enable consumers to play full games for a set period perhaps 24 hours before then being asked to pay for the app in question i.e. a proper Try Before You Buy section.

Maybe that's step 2?