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Developer reveals 96 per cent piracy of iPhone game

Calls for Apple to improve security measures
Developer reveals 96 per cent piracy of iPhone game

Developer Abraham Stolk has been discussing his experiences of releasing his first iPhone game onto the App Store, which sadly isn't the kind of success story we normally get to write about.

His game, The Little Tank That Could, sold just 45 copies in its first week, though Stolk soon discovered that it was more popular than he realised. His server logs showed that 1114 different people had accessed the game's online leaderboard, and a quick glance around the Internet showed that his game had almost immediately been cracked and shared on torrent sites.

This amounts to is 96 per cent piracy rate, which has prompted a further call for Apple to address its security measures. Naturally Stolk is very disheartened by the matter, and states that the game's first update will likely be its last.