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BuzzCity sets sights on BlackBerry developers with new ad SDK

In-app ads to generate new revenue stream
BuzzCity sets sights on BlackBerry developers with new ad SDK

Bringing what it claims is a fresh revenue stream to the BlackBerry development scene, ad network BuzzCity has launched a new SDK allowing studios to implement ads in their apps for the platform.

The new tech gives BlackBerry developers access to BuzzCity's ad network, which serves 4.5 billion adverts per month. Its main markets are India, Indonesia and the US. 

Generating revenue on a per click basis, BuzzCity has also confirmed that the SDK gives studios access to an audience of 5 million users through the firm's other operations games portal Djuzz and mobile social network myGamma.

Location, location, location

It's BuzzCity's ability to determine both the country and carrier of a device serving targeted ads that tap into a user's location - that the firm believes will most appeal to developers.

"Developers now have the opportunity to create locally relevant ad-supported applications for BlackBerry," said BuzzCity CEO KF Lai.

"There is a real opportunity here for progressive developers given the increasing global interest that we're seeing in this type of advertising."

BuzzCity claims one BlackBerry app UberTwitter has already made use of the SDK, having been used to promote a badminton tournament in Indonesia.

As a result, the app served 9.1 million ad impressions and a click through rate of almost 1 percent across a four day period.

[source: BuzzCity]