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App Store surpasses 250,000 live apps, paid make up 70%

That's 155,000 apps ahead of Android Market
App Store surpasses 250,000 live apps, paid make up 70%

App Store information resource claims the total number of live titles now available on the marketplace has surpassed 250,000 according to the latest statistics.

The site, which has been tracking titles on the platform since it hit the 10,000 mark, claims a total of 253,432 active applications are now available for iOS devices.

That puts it easily ahead of its nearest rival Android Market, which has around 95,000 registered apps for sale according to

Supposed independent cross-platform market leader GetJar currently has around 74,000 apps available - all free.

Paying for states that books are the most popular category on the app store, making up 17 percent of those listed. Games, however, are a close second, with 14 percent.

MusicWeek also reports that 70 percent of the 250,000 plus apps on the App Store are of the paid variety, according to figures from monitoring specialist Pingdom.

That compares to 36 percent on Android Market.

"Many developers are uncertain if Android is a lucrative enough market," the site speculates while detailing the figures. 

"iPhone, on the other hand, is an established platform with a number of high-profile success stories and may therefore to a greater degree be attracting developers wanting to make a profit."
