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Android the big mover in US as share doubles in 2010

BlackBerry, iPhone and WinMob all suffer decline

The latest figures published by marketing research firm comScore's MobiLens venture suggest Android remains the golden boy of the US mobile market.

Its share of total smartphone subscribers has more than doubled since the end of 2009.

RIM retains its position at the top of the smartphone market according to comScore's May figures, holding 41.7 percent share of subscribers, although that represents a 3 month fall of 0.4 percent.

Apple's share is being similarly eroded, iPhone accounting for 24.4 percent of market down 1 percent from February.

Accelerating Android

Moving up on Microsoft in third, however, is Android, with a 13 percent share of the market. That places it just behind Windows Mobile on 13.2 percent and represents a three month rise of 4 percent and around a 8 percent leap from the share Android posted in December 2009.

However, as comScore itself notes, given the figures were taken in May they naturally don't take into account iPhone 4's launch the following month.

"Despite losing share to Google's Android," comScore adds, "most smartphone platforms continue to gain subscribers as the smartphone market overall continues to grow".

Samsung seals top spot

Movement is comparatively hard to come by when it comes to OEMs, although Samsung appears to be consolidating its position at the top of the three having superseded longtime leader Motorola in April.

Samsung now holds a 22.4 percent share of the market, up 1 percent from its February figure.

Both LG and Motorola which has now fallen to third place remain close behind, however, on 21.5 percent and 21.2 percent respectively.

You can view a summary of the findings for free on comScore's website.