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Samsung supports bada with new free game deals from EA and Gameloft

Wave phone owners get added value
Samsung supports bada with new free game deals from EA and Gameloft

With the success of its Android-based phones such as the Galaxy S driving most press attention, we're interested about how Samsung is positioning its own bada smartphone OS.

Of course, Android is hot in the US at the present, which is where 40 percent of the Galaxy S' five million sales have occurred.

Bada doesn't work for US carriers, hence it's a European play - something Samsung is backing up with the launch of three new bada phones - Wave525 (S5250), Wave533 (S5330), Wave575 (S5750) and Wave723 (S7230).

Free game with that?

To support the release, the company's looking to game companies - specifically EA Mobile and Gameloft - with which it's cut deals to give away some of their high profile IP for free.

For this reason, EA Mobile is giving away 250,000 copies each of FIFA 10, Tetris Refresh and Spore Creatures via Samsung Apps. Gameloft is giving away 300,000 copies of Assassin's Creed II for free.

Both companies have done similar deals in the past: EA's freebeeing Need for Speed: Shift and Gameloft Asphalt 5.

Building out ecosystem

The deal is available via Samsung Apps for bada devices in the United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, France and Singapore, with more countries to follow as the new phones are rolled out.

"Our new Wave handsets will give us the opportunity to reach more users than ever before and provide a better smartphone experience that suits their lifestyle," said Kanghyun Kwon, vice president of the Media Solution Center at Samsung Electronics.

"With complimentary programs, we expect Samsung smartphone users to find their new Wave devices more practical and entertaining."

You can see more details over at Samsung Apps.