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Kindle gets its first indie game: Spry Fox's Triple Town match-3

Healthy price, low competition market
Kindle gets its first indie game: Spry Fox's Triple Town match-3

Whether it'll result in more studios taking a fervent interest in Kindle as a gaming platform remains to be seen, but news that the e-reader is receiving a slow trickle of titles is certainly no bad news for Amazon.

The latest is Triple Town from independent studio Spry Fox, which was co-founded by XBLA portfolio manager David Edery.

The game - a match-three puzzler of sorts - was created from the ground up for Kindle, and can be picked up in the US only for $2.99.

Care for Kindle

"Looking at the Kindle, I saw a platform with a reasonable number of users," Edery says on his blog.

"More importantly, I saw a platform with users who are inclined and encouraged to purchase large quantities of digital content at relatively healthy prices.

"Given Amazon's merchandising expertise, I hoped that unlike on so many other platforms - WiiWare springs to mind as a sad example - Kindle games would get plenty of visibility and Kindle developers would have reasonable marketing tools made available to them."

Triple Town's debut follows EA's Scrabble and two free word-play games - Shuffled Row and Every Word  which hit the device via Whispernet back in August.

Big fish in small pond

Rather than being putting off by the relatively small number of games on Kindle however, Edery saw it as an opportunity.

"While I'd imagine that software developer interest in the Kindle is quite high in general, when I personally asked a large number of my friends in the game industry, 'Are you planning to develop a game for the Kindle?' The answer was always either 'No' or 'You can make games for the Kindle?," he adds.

"To me, that indicated a potentially-unappreciated market opportunity."

Edery says the jury is current out regarding whether the move was the right one or not, but he believes Kindle has the potential to catch the eye of more developers if the likes of Triple Town manages to gain some exposure in the gaming press.