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Papa Sangre and Real Racing 2 are top-reviewed games for December on the Quality index

Critical acclaim
Papa Sangre and Real Racing 2 are top-reviewed games for December on the Quality index

If you were wondering what the best reviewed iPhone games on the web last month were, here's Steel Media's Quality Index round-up for December to fill you in.

Aggregating the collective wisdom of the reviewers from websites such as 148Apps, Pocket Gamer, Gamezebo, IGNSlide to Play, and many more, these are collated together in a magical way to output a single definitive Qi score for each iPhone title.

A late entry onto the App Store grid this month, Papa Sangre overtook Firemint's Real Racing 2 on the home straight to be crowned Qi's top-ranked game of December 2010.

Another blockbuster sequel N.O.V.A. 2 went toe-to-toe and shotgun-to-sword with the incredibly hyped Infinity Blade lower down the Qi games chart, the latter coming off marginally better in the duelling review stakes.

Qi’s Top 10 iPhone games of December 2010



Qi rating Reviews
1.  Papa Sangre 9.6 2
2.  Real Racing 2 9.5 11
3.  Wizard Hex 9.4 2
4.  Infinity Blade 9.2 16
5.  N.O.V.A. 2 9.1 11
6.  Sentinel 3: Homeworld 9.1 8
7.  Nostradamus The Last Prophecy 9.1 2
8.  Cover Orange 8.8 2
9.  Shift! 2 8.8 2
10.  Numbl - Number jumble fun 8.6 2

N.B. While we only display the average score to one decimal place, the list is generated to further significant figures. We just don't show them all.

And, naturally, this is a static graph based on live listings which are subject to constant change as new releases and reviews emerge.

In order to provide a regular marker of the critical zeitgeist, however, we will continue to round up the best of the iPhone games released each month to provide the definitive Qi Top 10.

[source: Quality Index]