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Real Racing 2 was the best-reviewed iPhone game of 2010

Critical acclaim
Real Racing 2 was the best-reviewed iPhone game of 2010

2010 was a cracking year for iPhone gaming, with over 30,000 titles released on the App Store and some of them proving genuine gems.

Whilst Chillingo's Cut the Rope deservedly gobbled up a gazillion sales - and candy - and Chair's epic Infinity Blade sent Apple's hype machine into overdrive, which were the best-reviewed games?

To answer that very question (spookily enough), here's the Quality Index (Qi) round-up for 2010.

Aggregating the collective wisdom of the reviewers from websites such as 148Apps, Pocket Gamer, Gamezebo, and many more, these are collated together in a magical way to output a single definitive Qi score for each iPhone title.

High octane

Ignoring the old cliché about marathons and sprints, Firemint's boundary-breaking Real Racing 2 only motored onto the Qi chart in December, yet maintained its impressive start and nerve around the last bend to cross the finishing line first on the year-end rundown.

In the phenomenal racer's slipstream rolled Dark Nebula - Episode 2, an accelerometer-driven platform title from 1337 Game Design that confounded and astonished in equal measure.

Meanwhile, French publisher Gameloft scored a brilliant double in 2010, as both its twin-stick shooters Modern Combat 2: Black Pegasus and N.O.V.A. 2 secured coveted spots on Qi's best-of-year battlefield.

Qi's Top 10 iPhone games of 2010



Qi rating Reviews
1.  Real Racing 2 9.5 11
2.  Dark Nebula - Episode Two 9.3 7
3.  Infinity Blade 9.2 16
4.  Cut the Rope 9.1 20
5.  Modern Combat 2 9.1 15
6.  Space Miner: Space Ore Bust 9.1 11
7.  N.O.V.A. 2 9.1 11
8.  Sentinel 3: Homeworld 9.1 8
9.  Plants vs. Zombies 9.0 19
10.  Chaos Rings 9.0 14

N.B. While we only display the average score to one decimal place, the list is generated to further significant figures. We just don't show them all.

And, naturally, this is a static graph based on live listings which are subject to constant change as new releases and reviews emerge.

In order to provide a regular marker of the critical zeitgeist, however, we will continue to round up the best of the iPhone games released each month to provide definitive Qi top tens throughout 2011.

[source: Quality Index]