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Future for MeeGo looks bleak

Intel not blinking, wiping away a tear
Future for MeeGo looks bleak

In all the excitement over Nokia's new Windows Phone-led future, the small question of the future of MeeGo, its joint OS with Intel announced 12 months ago at Mobile World Congress, has been left hanging.

That's because with Nokia effectively using it as a UI testbed for one single device, the only partner left in the initiative is Intel.

And like a jilted lover, it seems a bit confused about the situation.

"While we are disappointed with Nokia's decision, Intel is not blinking on MeeGo. We remain committed and welcome Nokia's continued contribution to MeeGo open source," a spokesman told Laptop.


Of course, MeeGo was supposed to be an all-singing all-dancing OS, used in devices from smartphones and tablets to netbooks, cars and set-top boxes.

Intel says it will continue to support the technology, as part of its multiple platform approach - Windows, Android and MeeGo.

Various vendors are also expected to launch certain MeeGo devices. Apparently there's a car using it in China.

However, the assumption has to be that with Nokia not pushing it onto millions of smartphones, MeeGo - a variant of Linux - will soon become commercially irrelevant.

[source: Laptop]