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Less than 1% of Android owners running Gingerbread

But more than half have updated to version 2.2
Less than 1% of Android owners running Gingerbread

Google might have made ensuring Android updates get out to its userbase one of its top priorities, but it would seem OEMs and carriers still aren't willing to play ball.

The latest numbers suggest that only a tiny minority of Android owners a measly 0.4 percent, in fact are running Gingerbread, the latest version of the platform.

Downbeat update

The reason, of course, is that they can't get hold of it.

While version 2.3 launched in December, Gingerbread is still unofficially restricted to Google's own Nexus S, with owners of rival Android handsets yet to receive the option to update their software.

Indeed, official Google stats suggest users are only just gaining access to version 2.2.

Froyo is now the dominant version of the platform, with more than 51 percent of Android users now running version 2.2, which launched last May.

Platform problems

Conversely, a total of almost 48 percent of Android owners are running a version of the OS that is at least a year old 4.7 percent of Android owners running version 1.5, which launched in April 2009.

Just how Google can tackle the unwillingness of its partners to roll out updates to consumers is unknown.

Speculation suggests many OEMs are reluctant to keep customers up to date with the platform, as they believe giving them access to the latest version might harm sales of new handsets.

However, it's questionable how long those users shackled by antiquated versions of Android will be willing to continue investing in the platform longterm.

[source: Google]