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Apple has sold a total of 189 million iOS devices

Including 19.5 million iPads
Apple has sold a total of 189 million iOS devices

As part of its Q2 2011 financial announcement, Apple revealed it has sold 189 million iOS devices - that is iPhones, iPod touches and iPad.

Apple doesn't break out exact figures for its iPod category in terms of original iPods and iPod touches, but do we know it's sold 19.5 million iPads.

In terms of the first three months in 2011, Apple said it had sold 18.65 million iPhones - this was the first quarter that include Verizon sales - 4.69 million iPads and 9.02 million iPods, of which over half were iPod touches.

Loving the iPad

CFO Peter Oppenheimer said Apple was "thrilled with the momentum for iPad," which is now available in 59 countries.

In comparison, iPhone is available in 90 countries through 186 carriers, with the US and Chinese markets growing very strongly, up 155 percent and 250 percent respectively.

Demand for iPad remains strong globally, with less than 850,000 units in Apple's sales channels, compared to 5.2 million iPhones in sale channels.

"We're selling everything we can make," Oppenheimer explained.

You can listen to Apple's analyst call for two weeks [link].