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Angry Birds launching on Facebook in April

1.3 million officially 'Like' the idea
Angry Birds launching on Facebook in April

Hot on the heels of topping 30 million downloads on Google’s mobile OS in under six months, the world-conquering Angry Birds is catapulting onto Facebook.

After dominating headlines and sales figures on iPhone, iPad, Android, PSN, PC, and Mac, Rovio’s aggravated avian will launch next month on the ubiquitous social networking service.

This imminent expansion to Facebook comes as little to no surprise, given the Finnish developer’s recently explained desire to follow a 'Tetris Strategy' and target 100 million installs across as many platforms as possible.

Community aspect

In an interview with Wired UK, Rovio's CEO, Mikael Hed, stressed the communal setup unique to the upcoming Facebook version of Angry Birds, noting that due to the site’s "collaborative nature, the pigs will have a more prominent role."

"There will be completely new aspects to it that just haven’t been experienced on any other platform."

Interest in Angry Birds's new nest (egg) has been predictably fierce, with over 1.3 million Facebook users already declaring themselves suitably piqued on the official Angry Birds page.

And with a movie tie-in on the horizon and an animated series in the works, the global Angry Birds bandwagon shows no sign of slowing down.

[source: Edge]