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Scoreloop serves up operator-branded social platform for Hong Kong's CSL

Going white label
Scoreloop serves up operator-branded social platform for Hong Kong's CSL

Scoreloop has announced that, for the first time, it's delivered an operator branded social games platform for a major player in the Asian mobile market.

Serving up the service for Hong Kong carrier CSL, the move marks a diversification from the firm's former business activities, which focused solely on its own existing social gaming platform.

Its service for CSL, however, is designed to integrate fully with the carrier's operations, embedding in two CSL branded platforms 1O1O and one2free directly into the network.

Getting in the loop

"Many consumers still look to their mobile operator for new and engaging experiences, and with this launch CSL has brought social gaming to a much bigger audience through this integrated approach," Scoreloop CEO Marc Gumpinger.

"As social mobile gaming continues to grow at an incredible rate, more and more mobile operators are seeing the potential for launching their own branded services, and with this launch CSL has positioned itself as a pioneer of social mobile gaming."

The service, which is available to CSL's Android customers via a free gaming centre app, will also come pre-installed on some of the operator's handsets and will market both paid and freemium releases to its audience.

In-app purchases are also set to be catered for, with Scoreloop automatically detecting those being made by CSL customers before re-routinf them to the carrier's own billing platform.