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THQ affords Star Wars games temporary reprieve on App Store

Titles will remain on sale, for now
THQ affords Star Wars games temporary reprieve on App Store

Mere hours after the web was awash with news that Star Wars games were set to be pulled from the App Store, it appears said titles have been given a temporary reprieve.

As reported by Kotaku which previously claimed all Star Wars games were facing the cut following THQ's apparent loss of the franchise's license - titles sporting the Star Wars name will now remain on sale on iOS for an indefinite amount of time.

"All Star Wars apps will be available until further notice," a spokesperson for the publisher told the site.

Do not underestimate the power of the publisher

News of Star Wars games disappearing to a galaxy far, far away had been broken by Star Wars Arcade: Falcon Gunner developer Vertigore Games, which had claimed its title would be pulled from sale on March 31.

"I wish it were up to us, but unfortunately, our license to make Star Wars games was predicated on our amazing publisher THQ Wireless' arrangement with the Lucasfilm folks, and that seems to be winding down," CEO and creative director Josh Shabtai said on his blog.

Shabtai had been planning to update the iPhone version of the game, as well as launch on both iPad and Android.

However, it's not clear whether any deal THQ may or may not have brokered with Lucasfilm will allow him to release any fresh versions, or indeed just how long the collection of Star Wars games on iOS will remain for sale.

[source: Kotaku]