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Mobclix rolls out 3.0.1 SDK for Android

Adds support for ProGuard
Mobclix rolls out 3.0.1 SDK for Android

Mobile ad exchange network Mobclix has released version 3.0.1 of its SDK for Android, complete with bug fixes and fresh features.

The update, which the firm describes as a major overhaul, is a recommended download for all existing Mobclix developers and, in the company's view, could help it reach out to apps as of yet untapped.

Super SDK

The new SDK includes a number of bug fixes, including the forced closure of apps by Open Allocation Google AdMob and malformed ads attempting to load unsupported URIs.

Alongside improvements to memory usage across the entire SDK, Mobclix has also added support for ProGuard on Android for the first time a tool that enables developers to shrink and optimise code that's more difficult to reverse engineer.

The SDK can be downloaded from the firm's website, though new developers will have to register with Mobclix to utilise it.

More details on the SDK's features can be found here.