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Nintendo CEO Iwata confirms two month delay in 3DS eShop roll out

No digital store until May
Nintendo CEO Iwata confirms two month delay in 3DS eShop roll out

When it comes to Nintendo's digital download strategy for the 3DS, it would appear the Japanese giant is making it up as it goes along.

As noted during Nintendo's big 3DS unveiling in Amsterdam, it originally appeared the platform's online game store dubbed eShop would miss the 3DS's launches in Europe and the US, tabled for March 25 and March 27 respectively.

Just a day later, however, and its tune had changed.

Eurogamer revealed it had received a statement from the firm clarifying its position. Nintendo's eShop would indeed be available on day one, but it would be delivered via a firmware update, launched the very same day.

Shop talk

Now, Nintendo has reverted to its original position, with CEO Satoru Iwata confirming during an investor call that the eShop equipped firmware update won't launch until May.

"I would like to take this opportunity to inform you of our scheduled system updates of the hardware in detail," Iwata said in the call.

"The first system update is scheduled for late May, at almost the same time around the world."

As well as eShop, the update will also contain a web browser, and the transfer of DSiWare from DSi to 3DS.

[source: Nintendo]