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Nokia fires another law suit back at Apple

The fight continues, the lawyers get fat
Nokia fires another law suit back at Apple

After Nokia filed a law suit against Apple for allegedly infringing on its mobile patents, Apple naturally threw its own toys out of the industry cot and counter-sued Nokia and threw in a low-blow accusation of theft.

The epic, and very public, playground scuffle now continues as Nokia stepped up the dispute by claiming that "virtually all" of Apple's products infringe on a Nokia owned patent.

"While our litigation in Delaware is about Apple's attempt to free-ride on the back of Nokia investment in wireless standards, the ITC case filed today is about Apple's practice of building its business on Nokia's proprietary innovation," Nokia's statement reads.

Mostly this seems to refer to hardware systems, such as cameras and power management. That none of these issues were raised before (on either side) suggests there's a lot of research going on in the background to find similarities that could be labelled as patent infringements.

Looks like it's Apple's turn again.