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O2 drops support for BlackBerry PlayBook as tablet rolls out across UK

Cites problems with 'customer experience'
O2 drops support for BlackBerry PlayBook as tablet rolls out across UK

If you're in the UK, you can't fail to have noticed RIM's ad campaign for the BlackBerry PlayBook just as the tablet hits shelves across the country.

Presumbaly a swipe aimed squarely at owners of Apple's iPad, PlayBook banner ads are proudly accompanied by the tag "yeah, you should have waited".

The irony is, O2 customers who had hoped to get hold of the tablet on launch day will find themselves waiting (or going elsewhere) to purchase PlayBook, with the carrier informing its userbase it has already dropped support for the platform.

Out of touch

According to O2, RIM's debut tablet simply doesn't deliver in terms of user experience, and the company isn't willing to attach its name to it as a result.

The carrier has reportedly sent out an email to O2 subscribers who had expressed an interest in buying PlayBook informing them that the operator "will not be selling the device" due to "issues with the end to end customer experience".

Interestingly, however, O2 doesn't rule out stocking the tablet in the future.

In said email, O2 states that it continues to work with RIM in regards to future PlayBook products, presumably with a view to getting the tablet up to what it considers an acceptable standard.

[source: Engadget]