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PopCap considering public offering before end of 2011

Publisher has also considered selling out
PopCap considering public offering before end of 2011

Though not yet set in stone, Bejeweled publisher PopCap has admitted it is working towards an initial public offering (IPO) before the end of 2011.

The firm, which has become a major name on smartphones in recent years, claims the possibility of going public is high on the agenda.

However, those at the top are keen to ensure PopCap leaves a legacy before handing potential suitors a route in.

Going public, in private

Claiming the company is ready internally, president David Roberts revealed that PopCap has already filed a Section 12 registration a step along the way to an IPO.

"Whenever you file an S12, you're pretty much guaranteed that someone will come and try to buy you," added Roberts.

"Our goal is not about an exit at PopCap. It's about creating this legacy of games that mean as much as Monopoly and Scrabble to the world."

The idea of being acquired by a rival has crossed the collective minds of those at PopCap long before a public offering was on the radar, Roberts also revealed.

The PopCap president claimed rival firms have attempted to talk to the firm regarding a possible takeover in the past Zynga often talked up as a potential buyer by the press though none have ever extended beyond any initial flirtation.

[source: CNBC]