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HP unveils webOS app discovery platform Pivot as TouchPad's UK launch pinned down to July 15

App promotion a priority
HP unveils webOS app discovery platform Pivot as TouchPad's UK launch pinned down to July 15

Mastering the art of drip feeding vital information, HP has confirmed that its debut tablet the webOS-powered TouchPad will hit shelves in major European territories mid-July.

After rolling out in the US on July 1, TouchPad will make the trip across the Atlantic to launch in the UK, Ireland, France and Germany on July 15, with the device launching in Canada on the same day.

The news comes hot on the heels of the unveiling of the official TouchPad pre-order process, which prices the 16GB unit at £399 and the 32GB version at £479.

Power of Pivot

As well as looking to ensure hardware sales get off to a solid start, HP has put in place a new system designed to support TouchPad's software.

HP webOS Pivot is a new discovery platform that will integrate directly with Palm App Catalog to showcase the broad range of applications available for the OS.

As well as merely pushing apps, however, Pivot will also come with original content supplied by journalists and photographers editorial pieces, columns and guest writer features on board to put the apps in question in a cultural perspective.

Investing in developers

"Pivot brings app discovery to a new level for customers and developers alike," said Richard Kerris, VP of webOS worldwide developer relations at HP.

"We want our partners to experience webOS as the growing platform of opportunity, and we’re investing in new ways to help market their applications on our platform."

Pivot will be published on a monthly basis, with content catered to regional interests in order to aid its appeal across the globe.

HP also plans to update the webOS Developer Program on July 1 to include a new pricing discount structure based on a developer's years in the program and active apps on the store.