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WWDC 2011: iOS hits 425,000 apps, with 14 billion downloads in less than 3 years

Apple claims #1 spot in US
WWDC 2011: iOS hits 425,000 apps, with 14 billion downloads in less than 3 years

As you might expect, Apple kicked off the iOS section of its WWDC 2011 press briefing in San Francisco by detailing a list of impressive stats.

Most interesting was the revelation that the App Store is yet to reach 500,000 apps, as pegged by some back at the end of May. Instead, the App Store's total currently sits at 425,000, of which 335,000 apps are for iPhone and iPod touch.

Downloads of said apps have also hit 14 billion in less than three years, Apple claimed, with $2.5 billion paid out to developers.

Share and share alike?

Controversially, however, Apple quoted figures published by comScore to proclaim iOS as the top smartphone platform in the US.

According to figures taken in April, iOS has a 44 percent share of the market to Android's 28 percent, with BlackBerry coming in on 9 percent.

These numbers don't correlate with the most recent report put out by comScore for April, however, which planted iOS firmly in second spot with 26 percent of the market in its home territory.

In a complete reversal, it was Android that topped that particular rundown, with a 36.4 percent share of all smartphone subscribers.

It's likely that Apple's figures refer to iOS - including iPad and iPod touch - rather than iPhone alone.