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Sony announces additional $20 million to fund exclusive PSN games

To run over three years
Sony announces additional $20 million to fund exclusive PSN games

While developer funds on mobile are now common, thanks to companies such as Glu Mobile, Tapjoy, TinyCo etc - it's not something you expect to see a console platform holder launching, overtly at least.

But under pressure from the growth of mobile, Sony is having to fight for mindshare for its PlayStation Network, hence it's announced a $20 million fund spreads over three years.

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Run through the company's Pub Fund program, it's designed to fund independent developers to bring new IP exclusively to PSN for PSP, PlayStation 3 and Vita.

The deal is developers keep their IP and choose the pricing, while Sony helps in terms of design and marketing.

"PlayStation Network is poised to deliver an enviable line-up of exclusive and imaginative games this year, with highly anticipated first-party titles like thatgamecompany's Journey and Q Games' PixelJunk Sidescroller," said Brandon Stander, director of PlayStation Network marketing at SCEA,

"We're doubling down on PlayStation Network software, and under this additional investment over the next three years, we anticipate a steady flow of high-quality titles that can't be found anywhere else."

[source: Gamasutra]