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Evolve 2011: Social is more than Facebook. Everything we build is social, says EA Sports SVP Wilson

#evolve Put consumers at the centre of your business
Evolve 2011: Social is more than Facebook. Everything we build is social, says EA Sports SVP Wilson

Kicking off the three-day Develop conference in Brighton with the Evolve day, Andrew Wilson, EA Sports' senior vice president and worldwide head of development, spoke about the challenging of the new digital games market under the title Gaming 3.0: Moving the goalposts.

"Consumption habits, in terms of on demand consumption, is the biggest change that happened to the music and TV industries, and it's coming to games as well," he warned.

"Boxed retail will be a viable business for the foreseeable future, but the consumer shift is happening."

"You can't resist where the consumer wants to go. We have the learn the lessons from the music and TV industries."

Rip it up. Start again

Citing economist Schumpeter's views on creative destruction, Wilson said in order to succeed, companies should be thinking about how their business models will be destroyed; indeed destroying them themselves.

"Change is good. You need to put control into the hands of the consumer," he argued.

EA was keeping ahead of this curve with its focus on digital business and server infrastructure, already being #1 in mobile/tablets and casual games and being #2 in social games.

"We're going to build across all platforms and make sure that everything we do is socially engaging," Wilson said.


"Social gaming is more than Facebook."

"We're also going to capitalise on persistence and presence in terms of people being in control of their consumption."

Constant craving

As part of this, EA's digital business will be based on a unique identifier for all EA gamers; something that's embedded into its new Origin service.

Linked into this, is the ability for gamers to compare themselves with other gamers in terms of status, and not just in terms of core games.

Social games are more than about head-to-head play however, Wilson explained, using the example of EA Sports Football Club and its Facebook game FIFA Superstars

"Everything you do in this world creates values and status," he said. "Everytime a gamer is playing CityVille or Angry Birds means we're more likely to lose them longterm."

"To be successful, you need to put consumers at the centre of your business," he argued. "You need to give them the ability to experience everything you make as cheaply as possible, on as many platforms as possible."