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HTC predicts it will ship a record 13.5 million smartphones in Q3

Shipments to rise 98% yoy
HTC predicts it will ship a record 13.5 million smartphones in Q3

Owing to record smartphone shipments of just under 12.2 million units for Q2, the release of HTC's latest quarterly earnings illustrated just how close the Taiwanese manufacturer is to breaking into the big league.

The firm's numbers in Q2 2011 mean it shipped just 4.5 million less smartphones than former market leader Nokia throughout the quarter, and that's a gap HTC claims it'll look to close further in the coming months.

Dual attack

HTC intends to ship 13.5 million smartphone handsets in Q3, up 98 percent year-on-year and an increase both on Q2's total and the 9.7 million it managed in Q1.

Android handsets Sensation and Evo 3D will be the main beneficiaries, but, as Nielsen has noted, 30 percent of the firm's business in the US now comes from Windows Phone.

It's expected HTC's next handset for Microsoft's OS the 12MP yet to be officially unveiled Mazaa will launch this autumn.

As a result of its continued smartphone assault, HTC expects to bring in $137 billion TWD ($4.75 billion) in Q3 2011, up 10 percent quarter-on-quarter and 80 percent from the same period in 2010.

[source: HTC (PDF)]