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Angry Birds' big screen debut nears as former Marvel man Maisel joins Rovio

Set to serve as executive producer
Angry Birds' big screen debut nears as former Marvel man Maisel joins Rovio

Rovio has always maintained that Angry Birds is more than a series of games it's a brand with a role to play on any form of media.

More recently, the prospect of taking on Mickey Mouse and co. was mentioned, and it appear Rovio is one step closer to translating the appeal of the franchise to a medium Disney has considerable experience in: the movies.

The Finnish studio has announced that former Marvel Studios chairman David Maisel has joined the company as special advisor, aiding Angry Birds' transition from the especially small screen in consumers' pockets to the rather larger ones equipped in cinemas.

In fact, Maisel will serve as executive producer of future Angry Birds films.

Rolling on with Rovio

"I'm very honored and excited to join Rovio, and my goal is to help unleash its great potential," said Maisel of the move.

"Rovio has already had amazing success and established a great brand with Angry Birds.

"The business model, intellectual properties, and the franchise potential of Angry Birds give Rovio the most exciting prospects I have seen in the entertainment business since Marvel in 2003."

Maisel's appointment follows the acquisition of Finnish animation studio Kombo at the start of June a move the company described as a step along the way to establishing itself as a "powerhouse in animated entertainment".

Maisel's role, Rovio CEO Mikael Hed has added, will be to help deliver this vision.

"David was instrumental in rebooting Marvel Studios and turning it into a blockbuster-producing powerhouse," added Hed.

"We welcome his experience and vision as we continue broadening our entertainment production scope at Rovio."

[source: Rovio]