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The Game Creators unveil multiplatform dev tool App Game Kit

iOS, bada and MeeGo on board from day one
The Game Creators unveil multiplatform dev tool App Game Kit

It hardly needs the unveiling of yet another cross-platform development tool to highlight the realities of the modern mobile market: a wealth of operating systems.

The Game Creators' App Game Kit or AGK for short has much the same aims other cross-platform tools on the market, looking to aid developers in their quest to launch their games on as many different platforms as possible.

It's about time

The advantage of all such development tools is that studios can 'code once, and deploy anywhere', saving both in terms of manpower and time.

What makes AGK both interesting and curious in equal measure, however, is the platforms it supports at launch.

The tool which comes in two flavours, including a BASIC interpreter with commands such as LoadImage, CreateSprite, PlaySound etc, and as a set of C++ libraries will deliver titles across iOS, Mac OS and Windows.

Support for other popular platforms such as Android, BlackBerry, Windows Phone 7 and webOS won't be added until 'phase 2'.

Instead, from a mobile perspective, iOS is complemented by support for bada and MeeGo.

Actually, it's about money

Nevertheless, The Game Creators' CEO Lee Bamber said AGK offers the kind of toolset scores of other studios will appreciate.

"AGK is a tool we needed at TGC, it's already saving us time and money developing new apps," he said.

"We're sure other developers will find it invaluable and it's also easy for hobbyist and indie developers to get started making games with."

AGK can be picked up from its official website for $77.99 until September 30, when the price will jump to $111.99.