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DeNA and ngmoco roll out Mobage social network across English speaking world

Platform also makes debut in China
DeNA and ngmoco roll out Mobage social network across English speaking world

Representing the platform's first steps outside of the lucrative social gaming market in Japan, ngmoco and parent company DeNA have begun rolling out Mobage in English speaking territories around the globe.

The social gaming network can now be downloaded from Android Market, equipped with what both parties say is a roster of "exclusive games from the world's best social and mobile developers".

Super social stars

Indeed, DeNA recently announced the formation of a 'Super Creators' project, with industry luminaries including Suda 51, Yuji Naka, Keiji Inafune, Yoshifumi Hashimoto and Noritaka Funamizu vowing to serve up specialist releases for the platform in the years to come.

Of most note is Suda's No More Heroes project, which he claims will be the 'bloodiest social gaming title ever'.

Such releases could be key to Mobage making a mark in the west, expanding on the 30 million plus users it currently boasts in its home territory.

The real plus

"Mobage's release outside of Japan marks the next step in our company's global expansion," said ngmoco CEO and DeNA executive officer Neil Young.

"The opportunity in front of us is to build Mobage into the definitive destination for games and entertainment across territories and mobile operating systems."

DeNA purchased ngmoco for a total figure of $403 million back in October, largely owing to the success the studio had enjoyed with its iPhone gaming network Plus+.

Though ngmoco will continue iOS and Android development, the firm has been charged with ensuring Mobage appeals to audiences outside of Japan, drawing upon both its own library and releases from the likes of Backflip Studios, NimbleBit and Gameview already on the platform.

"We're tremendously excited about the potential for the platform, both as a great way for players to experience the very best games and for developers to access a global audience easily and effectively."

Big in China

Alongside the English speaking launch, Mobage has also made its debut in the Chinese market - again on Android handsets with both roll outs billed as the next step in DeNA's grand plans.

"Our rollout of Mobage to English speaking territories and beyond will unlock the huge potential for the burgeoning market of social games for smartphone users worldwide," added DeNA president Isao Moriyasu.

"We aim to make Mobage the world's top social gaming platform by continually delivering engaging titles to players across nations."

[source: BusinessWire]