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Men out play and out spend women when it comes to mobile freemium gaming says Flurry

Average male transaction is $15.60 compared to $11.90 for women
Men out play and out spend women when it comes to mobile freemium gaming says Flurry

Having previously analysed the age breakdown of freemium games, in terms of time spent playing and cash spent on IAP, Flurry has turned its attention to the gender split.

Once again, it points out, the study is generated from data from a sample of iOS and Android freemium games. Flurry has access to over 20 million users across more than 1.4 billion sessions as it tracks 110,000 apps across the major smartphones.

When it comes to time spent playing freemium games, men and boys play an equal amount or more than girls and women.

Across all ages, the time split is 53 percent male and 47 percent female.

Hey, big spender

Perhaps surprisingly, this trend is strengthened when it comes to money spent, with males accounting for 58 percent of overall spend, and females 42 percent.

Indeed, it's particularly notable that in the key 25 - 34 year old category, males account for 29 percent of total spend, compared to only 20 percent for female.

This trend continues into the older 35 - 54 year old category, which is often described as being the middle-aged housewives market, and thought of as being highly significant for Facebook social games.

Crunching all its figures together, Flurry concludes with a graph showing the average transaction size, split between gender and age.

This demonstrates that boys and men spend significantly more per transaction than girls and women: an average of 31 percent more; $15.60 to $11.90.

[source: Flurry]