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PlayPhone looks east as China Wireless Arts and Magic Universe sign up for social SDK

1,200 studios committed to PlayPhone Social
PlayPhone looks east as China Wireless Arts and Magic Universe sign up for social SDK

In the wake of the launch of PlayPhone's $10 million marketing fund to support titles utilising the firm's social SDKs, the company claimed around 200 studios had jumped on board.

Now, over four months later, more than 1,200 developers have signed up for PlayPhone Social, with the two most recent studios to commit to the platform both coming from China.

It takes two

Announced at Casual Connect in Seattle, China Wireless Arts has revealed it is to launch platform-adventure title Journey to Egypt for Android on the PlayPhone Social platform.

It will be joined by MMORPG Latent Dragon by Magic Universe, also making its PlayPhone debut via Google's platform.

"We're very excited to add such high-quality mobile game content from China Wireless Arts and Magic Universe to the PlayPhone Social platform," said PlayPhone senior VP and general manager Anders Evju.

"Developers have told us that they are looking for a partner to provide turnkey publishing solutions.

"Our cross-platform tools and technology, combined with our access to more than 100 global carriers, provide just this level of support, allowing our partners to instantly launch and monetise their games in every major market worldwide."

PlayPhone perks

Though both games are pitched at Android, PlayPhone's social SDKs also offer support for both iOS and HTML5, with an SDK aimed at both Flash and Adobe Air forthcoming.

Any studios utilising said SDKs are automatically granted a share of PlayPhone's $10 million marketing fund, as well as access to what PlayPhone describes as 'proven marketing expertise' within the company itself.

As well as China Wireless Arts and Magic Universe, other developers who have recently signed up include Love Handle Developers, Hive Media, Tandem Games and Moonberry Studios.