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Apple rolls out iOS 5, but users across the globe hit by upgrade errors

Have you encountered the notorious 'Error 3200'?
Apple rolls out iOS 5, but users across the globe hit by upgrade errors

The day has arrived. Just after 6pm UK time on October 12, Apple began rolling out iOS 5 to consumers across the planet but it's not been an entirely smooth ride for the firm.

As Twitter attests, an undetermined number of people are having trouble applying the update to their devices, with iTunes successfully backing up their content before displaying an 'Error 3200' during the installation process.

It's a problem that hasn't escaped the attention of the press, either.

Apple agony

"Twice I've downloaded the software and backed up all 40 or so gigs of my iPad's hard-drive, and both attempts have culminated in failure," reports Pocket Gamer smartphone editor Will Wilson.

"Adding insult to injury, the second time it happened - after a hefty download - my freshly blanked iPad went into Restore limbo."

Speculation suggests said error is as a result of users across the globe attempting to download the update at the same time a view backed up by the fact it doesn't appear to be limited to any particular device, or region.

Though Apple hasn't offered any official advice, it's suggested users encounting problems put off the upgrade until demand for the upgrade eases, with some users who attempted the leap claiming their devices have been bricked as a result.