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Droid HD and Xoom 2 hype builds as Motorola and Verizon invite press to view 'innovations' on October 18

New York to play host to unveiling
Droid HD and Xoom 2 hype builds as Motorola and Verizon invite press to view 'innovations' on October 18

Samsung's Unpacked event in San Diego due to cast some light on Nexus Prime and Ice Cream Sandwich may have been postponed in honour of Steve Jobs, but not all of Apple's rivals have applied the breaks.

Cryptically, Motorola and Verizon have just invited the press to join them in New York on October 18, with the expectation being the two firms will lift the lid on the new Motorola Droid HD smartphone, also known as Droid Razr.

A follow-up or two to the firm's Xoom tablet, however, might also make an appearance.

Xoom Xoom?

The invitation itself is intentionally vague, simply pointing to the 'next big innovation' to come from both parties.

The accompanying trailer posted on YouTube is equally ambiguous (see below), though reports suggest the Droid HD - which will sport a 4.5-inch screen, a dual-core CPU, 1 GB of RAM and an 8MP camera equipped with 1080p video capture - will be pitched at the event as the firm's response to iPhone 4S.

The general consensus suggests Droid HD will also share the limelight with two separate follow ups to Xoom, despite the Android-powered tablet suffering sluggish sales to date.

Must do better

If persistant rumours are to be believed, then the 'innovations' in this regard will include a 10.1-inch 1.2GHz dual-core processor (Tegra assumed) powered Xoom 2.

It's also believed a slightly smaller Xoom 2 Media Edition will be positioned as an eReader replacement, boasting a 8.2-inch screen.


[source: Boy Genius Report]