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TinyCo unveils $5 million strong development fund to aid indie studios

TinyFund to target iOS and Android
TinyCo unveils $5 million strong development fund to aid indie studios

The problems faced by studios attempting to get their apps discovered in increasingly crowded marketplaces have been discussed by many industry players, but few are those willing to put their money where their mouth is.

TinyCo's new development fund dubbed TinyFund is a direct response to such issues.

The venture offers developers a share of $5 million to both aid development of games on iOS and Android, and then help push them out to consumers gamers once they're on digital shelves.

Fighting for attention

The fund comes after TinyCo benefited from an $18 million strong investment round led by Andreessen Horowitz, with the firm itself having only formed back in 2009.

Nonetheless, 20 million downloads later, TinyCo believes it has the experience to offer studios the kind of helping hand that can make a genuine difference when their games come to market.

"There are some amazing mobile games being developed right now, but due to lack of funds or industry experience, many of these outstanding titles will never be played by the public," said TinyCo co-founder and CEO Suli Ali.

"Now, in order to make a splash, developers not only have to have enough marketing spend, but also the business know-how. We've been able to accumulate both and want to help other promising developers bring hits to market."

Money matters

Game developers can expect to receive up to $500,000 per title, TinyCo has revealed, with the fund including both paid games and freemium releases.

Applications will be considered by company executives, who will look to determine both the level of funding required and any additional support needed.

The firm has also confirmed that games that make the grade will receive access to TinyCo's userbase to aid their promotion.
