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Apple's Mac App Store reaches 100 million download milestone

While App Store reaches 18 billion downloads total
Apple's Mac App Store reaches 100 million download milestone

In less than 12 months, the Mac App Store has handled 100 million downloads, a feat which Apple sees as evidence that it's changing the nature of the PC gaming industry.

"In just three years the App Store changed how people get mobile apps, and now the Mac App Store is changing the traditional PC software industry," said Philip Schiller, Apple's senior vice president of worldwide marketing.

"With more than 100 million downloads in less than a year, the Mac App Store is the largest and fastest growing PC software store in the world."

Mobile's where it's at

Mobile apps are clearly still where the largest number of downloads are happening, however.

The App Store as a whole has managed to pick up 18 billion app downloads overall, with over 1 billion apps being downloaded monthly.

In comparison the Android Market has just reached a total figure of 10 billion downloads, a feat which took the Google-owned format just over three years to accomplish.

[source: Apple]